Elder Care

Elder Care in Castro Valley, CA

At Blessing Home Assisted Living, we believe that elder care should be tailored to each individual. We provide personalized attention and quality care to our elders.

Our program is designed to meet the needs of each resident. We tailor this program to each resident, so that everyone receives the help that he requires.


Their goal is to keep each individual in their home comfortable and feeling safe with a trustworthy companion. They assess each situation based on strict criteria. 

We aim to improve the quality of life of our residents, and change our care options to fit our clients. Our staff is trained to keep an eye on our residents and give compassionate care to all. 


Throughout the caregiving process, the Blessing Home Assisted Living staff monitors the health of your loved one and provides regular updates to you and the family for peace of mind, so that you can focus on your loved one. 

We aim to not be the guardians of our residents' mental, emotional, and/or physical health, but instead to be their friends and companion as well. 

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our residents, reduce the burden on their families, and provide them with a sense of genuine peace of mind. We believe that we can do this by providing compassionate care, personal attention, and exceptional service.

We gladly accept the physically disabled who need walkers or wheelchairs. At Castro Valley we help with the following: Incontinence, Parkinson's Disease, Forgetfulness, Diabetes, Mild Stroke, Depression, and Alzheimer's/Dementia. We are here to provide the day-to-day care, while allowing people to live independently.

Blessing Home Assisted Living is ready to welcome you home! Get in touch today at 510-909-2133!

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